Monday, 23 June 2008
Friday, 20 June 2008
Power Station Murder
Whaaaaat? No! No! No!
Battersy power station as a office and retail space, god no!
Does nobody see the incredible potential of a gorgeous art space? With an inner hall as (if not more) spectacular as the Turbine of the tate, and beautifully crafted rooms of art and music performances. The building would lend itself wonderfully to the music scene, a new space for new and old bands alike, the haunting towers casting an atmosphere over a large but comforting gig.
We do not need office and retail space in our culture starved country, we need performance and art. We need interpretive dance on a monday, a one man show on a wednesday, a punk band on a friday and the opening of a japanese light installation for the sunday afternoon (cream tea optional).
Is this really what we have come to? We would rather think about the profit than the useability of the space? The proposed architecture is, simply, awful. It doesn't appretaite the rough qualities of the original architecture, the momentous feeling you get when you pass the building on the train (at a distance, then close up). Its a historic building that has too much soul to put to use as offices.
I have, worked in a building for 3 months which is (from the front) gorgeous. Its architecture fits with the street, and yet stands out. Its mosiac qualities are mindful of a much more beauty obsessed time (beauty, not fashion or fame). But, what have I been doing in this building? Customer service in a call centre. I would MUCH rather see this building being used as a quaint coffee shop with endless rooms behind, a bar maybe with accapella performances of an evening. I detest the fact that this building, so beautiful outisde, is dull and souless within. This is, what the power station will be, souless with faint memories of what couldve been.
Yes people, realise how manyy spelling mistaks are in this rant.
The College of Musical Knowledge (Attendee: You)
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Europe Preparations
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Fuck Buttons & Holy Fuck
Woo, two great bands in one article.
Shame its a very dull article.
But even so..... woo.... lovely bands in mainstream article.
I'm excited.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Almost Over
Yesterday I ate:
- 2 Slices of White Toast (buttered)
- 1 Small Salad (assorted contents)
- 1 Portion Chips (small, unsalted)
- 2 Hot Chocolates (vending)
- 1 Black Tea with Sugar
- An unmeasured amount of water (tap and vending)
- 2 Pints of Orange Squash
- Curry Stir Fried Vegetables with Rice Noodles (Asda products)
Today So Far I have eaten:
- 1 Slice of White Toast (buttered)
- 1 Large Salad (assorted contents)
- 1 Hot Chocolate (Vending)
- 1 Black Tea with Sugar (vending)
- An unmeasured amount of water (tap and vending)
Sunday, 15 June 2008
My nose is very sore today from cheap toilet paper scratching it.
I look awfully tired too.
Today I have consumed:
- A bowful (roughly) of Sainsburys Basics Cornflakes (no milk)
- A Galaxy Chocolate Bar (standard size)
- 2 Hot Chocolates (from vending machine)
- 1 Black Tea (with sugar) (from vending machine)
- 1 Black Coffee (with sugar) (from vending machine)
- 1 Paracetamol with Codine (Boots own brand)
- 1 Iron Tablet with Multivitamins (Holland and Barrett variety)
- An unmeasured amount of Water (tap)
Friday, 13 June 2008
Europe Plannnnnn
Thursday, 12 June 2008
I wish my Dad was an Architect.
7am - 8.39am
-Woken up from a dream (I was in wales, buying a puppy, being late for work and therefore taking the puppy across a field where i saw a german fighter plane, then was on the phone to a friend, and then got trampled by a horse)
- Realised said wakening happened an hour late
- Rushed into shower
- Made amazing cock up of all normal routine.
- Amazingly left house at 7.25am, right on time!
- Posted letters and realised they will not leave said post box until well after i finish work
- Arrived at work to find hilarious email (horrid work lady who corrected a near perfect email of myself had put the date as 2007 instead of the correct 2009 renewal date) of which i revelled in pointing out said mistakes.
- Online visitations of: Guardian, New York Times, BBC, Digital Spy and Perez Hilton
- Researched cheap ways to get to London next Saturday to see British Sea Power (Its not easy)
And that is about it. One hour thirty nine minutes, not bad.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Dan Colen and Nate Lowman’s recent collaboration

This recent(ly read) article caught my eye. I was ready to jump at the negative article with enough enthusiasm to make the waterlillies appear contemporary. Although, instantly, I feel I've seen the exhibit before. Has the junk car filled with more junk surrounded with even more junk not already been done? What is Colen and Lowman telling us? We already know we are a wasted society built on waste driving waste-buckets. Do we need telling again?
Its like a revival of dungerees, nobody wants to see it, and only the losers truely embrace it. I'm not best pleased about these scrappy sculptures that seem to mimick a 90s trend that wore out quicker than you can say junkyard.
There is a small salvation in this exhibit, a small painting entitled "Sarah Morris (Brice Marden) or Bill Clinton," is a small graphic painting in a lime that is hearterly refreshing in an otherwise drab space. Its gorgeous text is easy to like and its sherbert graphics hint at something that is entirely missed at the rest of the show.
Monday, 9 June 2008
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Friday, 6 June 2008
Dried Dates.
7 Hours til the end of my working week.
10 Hours til I go to my parents.
471 Hours til Glastonbury.
639 Hours til I go to Europe.
2559 Hours til I Finally go to University.
4863 Hours til Christmas.
7575 Hours til I'm 20.
Monday, 2 June 2008
Golly Gosh
Prepare for daily updates of stupidity and ramblings galore!